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主任牧師、青年牧師(Youth Pastor)
7575 Alden Bridge Dr.,The Woodlands, TX 77382
郭永健 先生(主任牧師尋牧委員會)

    休斯頓北區華人教會 (NHCCW, https://nhcclife.org/chinese/) 是一個快速增長、紮根聖經的福音派教會,地處環境優美的林城(7575 Alden Bridge Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77382)。我們每週日上午舉行中文和英文禮拜聚會。我們周日的出席人數平均為 300 人,其中包括中文會眾(約 180 名成人)、英語會眾(約 60 名成人) 和約 60 名兒童。 我們要尋找一位具有很強領導力的主任牧師,來帶領教會不斷增長的各項事工。

    該職位是全職職位,提供有競爭力的福利待遇(醫療保險、定期人壽保險以及 403B 退休金計畫)。 該職位還包括繼續教育的預算,來支持主任牧師的在職培訓。




  • 有神明確的呼召來牧養神的群羊(彼得前書5:1-4)
  • 活出教會領袖的端正品格和信仰(提摩太前書3:1-13)
  • 證明有能力領導教會牧師團隊和同工團隊
  • 有效講道和教導的恩賜
  • 接受NHCCW的神學立場和教會章程
  • 擁有受認證神學院的道學碩士或以上學位
  • 有十年以上北美華人教會牧會經驗
  • 有經驗和能力服事多元文化的會眾
  • 流利的中文普通話和英語



  • 以良好的言行、恩慈的榜樣、並力求合一的心態來帶領教會(以弗所書4:1-16)
  • 忠心牧養教會的各堂會眾(彼得前書5:1-4)
  • 督導牧師團隊
  • 監督教會行政和指導平信徒同工
  • 協助教會形成異象,帶領會眾貫徹教會的使命
  • 在所有教會的事工和宣教中提供積極的牧養指導


郭永健 先生


7575 Alden Bridge Dr.,The Woodlands, TX 77382






New Hope Christian Church Woodlands (NHCCW)

Youth Minister or Youth Pastor Job Description


New Hope Christian Church Woodlands (NHCCW, https://nhcclife.org/english/) is looking for a youth minister or youth pastor with strong leadership gifts to meet our growing ministry needs. NHCCW is located in the greater Houston area. It is a fast-growing, evangelical, Bible-believing church. Every Sunday morning we hold Chinese and English services at 7575 Alden Bridge Dr., the Woodlands, TX 77382. Our Sunday attendance is on average 300 people, which includes a Chinese congregation (~180 adults), an English Congregation (~60 adults with youth), and ~60 children.

This position is full-time and includes a competitive benefits package (health, dental, and term life insurance as well as a 403B retirement package). The position includes a continuing education budget and flexibility to pursue your studies.

Qualifications for NHCCW Youth Minister or Youth Pastor Candidates:

  1. Having a sure divine call to shepherding God’s flock (1 Pet. 5:1-4)
  2. Living up to the standards for upright character and testimony for faith, as described in 1 Tim. 3:1-13
  3. Having demonstrated ability in leading lay leaders’ team
  4. Having the gifts of effective preaching and teaching
  5. Ascribing to NHCCW’s theological position and church bylaws
  6. Must have earned or be in the process of earning a seminary degree
  7. Having some experience with Asian ministry, and particularly good relatability to youth with Asian heritage
  8. Having experience and ability to serve in a multicultural environment
  9. Fluency in English

NHCCW Youth Minister or Youth Pastor’s Job Description:


  1. Facilitate development of youth ministry’s vision and mission.
  2. Faithfully shepherd all the youth (1 Pet. 5:1-4) and oversee the youth ministry.
  3. Having the ability to work collaboratively and harmoniously with other church leaders, fostering a spirit of unity, mutual respect, and cooperation (John 17:21-23).
  4. Seek to integrate youth ministry into all phases of church life to create a culture that is intentionally intergenerational and multi-cultural, striving to unite with and complement other church ministries.
  5. Recruit, coach/train, and shepherd youth leaders and adult co-workers so that they can coach/train others (2 Timothy 2:2).
  6. Keep parents updated on ministry strategies and plans in a way that encourages partnership and involvement (Ephesians 6:1-3).
  7. Having strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to communicate effectively, listen attentively and build positive relationships with diverse group of individuals, including youth, parents, volunteers, and church staff.

To apply for this position, please email your application form (https://nhcclife.org/english/wp-content/uploads/NHCCW-Youth-Pastor-Job-Application-form-April-2024.pdf) and web links of teaching to:

Ms. Ying Wang

Youth Pastor Search Committee

New Hope Christian Church Woodlands

7575 Alden Bridge Dr., the Woodlands, TX 77382

832-663-0720  (NHCCW Office)

Email: YouthHiring@nhcclife.org
