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800 Jefferson Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07043






  • 支持主任牧師的帶領,一同牧養教會。
  • 除了負責粵語堂的講道、教導、關懷及佈道事工之外,需要在各項事工中發揮帶領信徒一同事奉的作用。
  • 協助主任牧師執行相關行政工作。
  • 協助主任牧師計劃及推行事工。
  • 協助執行主任牧師指派的各項事工。


  • 具有福音派神學院道學碩士學位或相關學歷。
  • 應聘者需具備良好人際溝通技巧,且願意以團隊形式事奉。
  • 具有北美華人教會事奉經驗者優先。
  • 應聘者需要講流利粵語和英語。

請將來信、個人履歷及其他附加資料,發送至: searchcommittee@clgnj.org 


Job Description for Assistant Pastor of Chinese (Cantonese Speaking) Ministry

Church of Living Grace of New Jersey (CLGNJ) in Parsippany, New Jersey, has an opening for a Chinese (Cantonese) Assistant Pastor.


As a part of the ministry staff, the assistant pastor is to serve under the supervision of the Senior Pastor, to assist in leading the church and shepherding the congregation into a growing, loving, and lordship relationship with Jesus Christ as stated in the Vision Statement of the Church. It is a full-time ministry position that requires total commitment and dedication.

Principal Job Description and Accountability

  • Support the Senior Pastor to shepherd the church
  • Provide pastoral leadership to various ministries including but not limited to preaching, teaching, caring, and outreach, in the Cantonese congregation.
  • Assist the Senior Pastor in pastoral related administrative works.
  • Assist the Senior Pastor in ministry planning and execution.
  • Assist in various projects as assigned by the Senior Pastor.


  • Master of Divinity or equivalent degree from an accredited seminary.
  • Good relationship skills and team player.
  • Prior ministry experience in North American Chinese church preferred.
  • Fluency in Cantonese and English.

How to Apply

Please send your resume with a cover letter and any additional information desired to searchcommittee@clgnj.org with subject: Assistant Pastor of Chinese (Cantonese Speaking) Ministry





家庭事工的主要目的,是要加強信徒在家庭中實踐屬靈領導,訓練門徒。(申命記6:4-9;提多書第2章; 提摩太後書第2章;詩篇第145篇)幫助信徒明白家庭在基督徒生命和教會中的角色,幫助家庭尊敬神,一同建造神國;幫助家庭與眾信徒一起活出主耶穌的教訓,裝備並支持家庭去彼此服侍。



  • 帶著權柄地教導聖經
  • 幫助父母在家庭中建立兒童的屬靈生命,鼓勵家長緊守自己在家庭的崗位,為兒女們活出基督徒生命的榜樣。
  • 在主任牧師的領導下,與事工領袖,家長和同工們一同訂立事工計劃。
  • 策劃並發展一個充滿活力的活動,吸引有不同年齡兒童的家庭。
  • 搜集確定及整理基督教教育教材,以裝備青少年、他們的家人和其他人在信仰上一同成長。學習機會可能包括但不限於主日學和青少年團契、暑期聖經學校和青少年聚會。
  • 為跨代事工提供互動的機會。創造並促進兩代之間的連結和體驗的活動。
  • 為青少年,家長及會眾發展事奉的機會,一方面是教會內部的訓練(針對宣恩堂會眾),也包括「外展」(摩利士郡)社區及附近地區的福音需要。
  • 從會眾中招募和培養義工來支持並協助家庭事工活動。


  • 靈性成熟,有從主而來清楚的呼召去服事兒童,青少年及家長的基督徒。
  • 對家庭事工充滿熱情,熱誠和有活力者
  • 熱衷於建立和發展充滿活力的事工–例如:保持和吸引新家庭,並將事工貫穿於教會不同的事工發展。
  • 與所有年齡層的人都有良好的關係,尤其是青少年。
  • 發揮創意,提出新想法以建構事工的願景。
  • 具大學教育學士,神學學士或相關學位。
  • 接受過訓練或經歷過「信仰的形成」與及不同年齡的「信心操練」。
  • 能夠以新的/當代的方式將不變的基督教信息與當代資源和傳播方式結合。
  • 擁有北美華人教會事奉經驗 優先考慮。

請將來信、個人履歷及其他附加資料,發送至: searchcommittee@clgnj.org 


Job Description for Director of Family Ministries

Church of Living Grace of New Jersey (CLGNJ) in Parsippany, New Jersey, has an opening for a Family Ministry Director.


The main purpose of Family Ministry is to empower families to take spiritual leadership in the home and develop disciples (Deut. 6:4-9; Titus 2; 2 Timothy 2; Psalm 145); helping families to understand the role and meaning of family in the life of Christians and the Church; empowering families in a God-honoring, kingdom-building way; helping families live the teachings of Jesus with one another; equipping and supporting families as they learn to serve others.

Therefore, family ministry is a family-equipping ministry involving the church and the home as partners, to teach children, develop leaders, and equip parents to train up and disciple the next generation.

The Director of Family Ministries (DFM) is a full-time ministry position to serve within the vision and mission of Church of Living Grace (CLG), under the direction of the Senior Pastor, and in coordination with other ministry teams.


Under the supervision of the Senior Pastor, and in partnership with other staff, committees, and members of the congregation, the DFM will:

  • Teach Scripture as the ultimate authority
  • Encourage parents to embrace their role as their child's most important modeler of a vibrant Christian faith and engage parents to build them up for spiritual nurture in the home
  • Coordinate ministry planning and facilitation with ministry leaders, parents, and volunteers under the direction and advisement of the Senior Pastor
  • Create and grow a vibrant and energetic program that attracts families with children of all ages
  • Identify or develop materials for Christian education to equip youth, their families and others to grow in their faith together. Learning opportunities may include, but not limited to Sunday School and Youth Group, Vacation Bible School (VBS), and youth gatherings
  • Provide opportunities for intergenerational ministry and interaction. Create experiences, programs and events that facilitate connections between generations
  • Develop service opportunities for youth, parents, and the wider congregation that encompass both "internal" needs (for CLG and congregation members) as well as "outside" mission activities to the Morris County community and beyond
  • Recruit and develop volunteers from within the congregation to support and assist with Family Ministry activities


  • A spiritually mature Christian with a strong sense of calling to work with children, youth and parents in a family ministry
  • Be energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate about the work of Family Ministry
  • Have a passion to build and grow a vibrant program - i.e., retaining and attracting new families, and weaving the ministry throughout the life of the congregation
  • Relate well to all age groups, but especially youth
  • Be creative, bringing new ideas to build on the vision for this ministry
  • Have a Bachelor's degree in Education, Theology, Ministry or related field
  • Have training or experience in faith formation and faith practices for all ages
  • Be able to integrate the unchanging Christian message with contemporary resources and modes of communication in new/contemporary ways
  • Prior ministry experience in North American Chinese church preferred.

How to Apply

Please send your resume with a cover letter and any additional information desired to searchcommittee@clgnj.org with subject: Director of Family Ministries
