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English youth minister (Full-Time or Part-Time)

國際大使命教会 (Great Commission Church International)

职位:English youth minister (Full-Time or Part-Time)


要求1Master Degree of Divinity or Christian Study, or currently enrolled in an accredited seminary or divinity school taught in English

要求2Minimum of 2 years ministry experiences in youth, EM or Education ministry

要求3English as a primary language – fluent in both writing and speaking; Understanding of Chinese-American culture/customs


1.     To provide sound, biblically-based preaching and teaching with a passion for God through pastoral, spiritual and administrative leadership of the youth ministry 

2.     To participate in Sunday worship, organize and supervise Sunday youth program, bible study, small groups, outings, outreaches, and other programs  

3.     To lead the youth in sharing Christ’s love and the Gospel to our surrounding communities  

  1. To lead and organize short-term mission for the youth.
  2. To help connect our church to the local community of churches and Christian organizations. 


联系人: Jean Jou         

Email: office@thegcci.org

Church Address: 16152 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745


website: gcciusa.com