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     符合圣经对牧师的要求(提摩太前书 3:1-7,提多书 1:6-9








  1. 共同带领基于圣经的辅导(婚前/婚姻/情感健康/属灵指导等),举办婚礼,举办葬礼。
  2. 关怀和探访教会成员和慕道友。
  3. 协助执事、教会职员和各委员会完成他们的职责。培养和带领执事。这一点也包括每周有固定时间在教会办公:进行管理和与会众交通的工作。
  4. 在教会事工上,与教会长执(牧师、长老、执事)合作来领受异象和制定策略。我们一起致力于为基督得着普渡校园和本地区的华人(包括学生,学者,教授,以及其他华人居民和访客)。
  5. 与教会长执一起监督中文事工,其中中文牧师的重点是成人事工和活动。目前周五成人活动有希望团契和迦南团契,周日有主日学。
  6. 能够在自己与基督的关系,灵修/祷告生活,婚姻和家庭,以及教会事工中保持平衡。
  7. 参与宣道会会议以及相关交通。我们隶属于中西部区会和华联会。牧师需要参加这两个机构的年会。



1. 教派 :我们教派是宣道会(C&MA)。目前有25个区会和10个联会,包括大约2,000所教会和400,000名会员。我们教会位于中西部区会(伊利诺伊州/印第安纳州),同时也属于华联会。目前宣道会的主席是John Stumbo博士。Robert (Bob) Petty牧师是中西区会的主管。James Chung牧师是华联会的执行理事。


     C&MA 网站:https://cmalliance.org

     中西部区会网站: https://mwcma.org/


  1. 教会人员组成概况: 我们教会目前有超过130名会员以及更多的基督徒。虽然新冠疫情带来很多挑战,但是神从没有停止作工。我们教会覆盖多个年龄段,包括儿童和青少年事工,英文事工(Abide基督徒团契),中文校园事工(普渡华人基督徒团契),成人团契(希望团契)以及老年团契(迦南团契)。我们每周三晚上有祷告会,每周五有活动包括查经,每周日有主日学和中英文礼拜,以及其他活动。
  2. 职员 :目前教会全职服事是下一代/英文牧师Chuck Carter
  3. 教会非神职领袖 :目前的长老是 Michael Lin。执事会成员有Fu Ping弟兄(联合主席,差传执事),Luo Zhaoqing弟兄(敬拜执事),Weng Xiaochun姐妹(财务执事),Helen Pai姐妹(儿童事工执事),Zeng Fazhi姐妹(文书执事),Zhang Baozeng弟兄(教堂和后勤执事),Qiu Xiaokang弟兄(校园执事),Liu Chen弟兄(司库执事)。我们的团队还包括成人事工领袖,校园学生事工辅导,青少年领袖,以及儿童事工领袖。
  4. 章程 :为了您的方便,我们提供教会 GLCAC 章程 供您阅读。我们的信仰宣言在章程前几页。
  5. 教堂: 我们教会在神的带领下于2015年开始建堂。我们在20176月份在新堂进行了第一次主日礼拜。整个过程让我们教会成长很多,并且增长了对神供应我们的信心。在我们建堂之前,我们教会从1965年开始在西拉法叶不同的地方聚会。神真实地回应了我们建堂的祷告。
  6. 更多资料:


     建堂募捐/教会历史视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVJeElS2G0&ab_channel=MediaGlcac

     中国新年宣道会文章: https://legacy.cmalliance.org/news/2018/07/09/homesick-for-the-holiday/



Thank you for taking your time to look through this brief description of our search for a Chinese pastor. We ask that as you read through this that you would pray through this also. We also commit to praying for you. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Principle Function


The pastor is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the Biblical Truth and Doctrine, to engage in pastoral care ministries, to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life.


Description of Candidate:


We are looking for a Chinese Pastor who can serve our congregation along with our Next Gen/English Pastor and Church Leaders.


     Meet the Biblical requirements for pastor as listed in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.


     Demonstrate a clear calling for pastoral ministry.


     At least 5 years of full-time ministry experience.


     Should be at least 30 years old or older.


     Bachelor's degree or higher degree(s) in Ministry and Seminary.


Specific Responsibilities:


  1. Prepare and deliver teaching/preaching; Co-lead in observance of ordinances (Baptisms and Communion).


  1. Co-lead in giving Biblical Counseling (e.g. Pre-marriage, Marriage, Emotional Health, Spiritual guidance, etc.), performing wedding ceremonies, and conducting funerals.
  2. Care for and visit members and church prospects.
  3. Work with deacons, church officers, and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities; train and lead the deacons in ministry. This also includes consistent/weekly time in the church office working on administration and communication to the congregation.
  4. Work together with the church leadership of pastors, elders, and deacons in vision casting and strategic planning for the church and its ministries. We continue to strive to reach and disciple the campus and community of Chinese students, scholars, faculty, professionals, and other Chinese residents and visitors in the Greater Lafayette Area for Christ.
  5. Oversee along with the church leadership the Mandarin speaking ministries with a focus in leading the adult ministries and programs. Currently Hope Fellowship, and Canaan Fellowship are the two Friday night adult programs, along with Sunday Schools.
  6. Balance personal walk with Christ and devotional/prayer life, marriage and home, and the ministry needs of the church.
  7. Participate in Christian and Missionary Alliance Council (conference), and communication. We belong to the Midwest District and the Chinese Church Association. The pastor is expected to attend their annual conferences.


Church Description:


  1. Denomination, Our denomination is The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). There are currently 25 districts and 10 associations that comprise nearly 2,000 churches with approximately 400,000 members. Our church resides in the Midwest District (Illinois/Indiana), and we also belong to the Chinese Church Association of the C&MA. Our current president of the C&MA is Dr John Stumbo, the Midwest District Superintendent is Rev Robert (Bob) Petty, Chinese Church Association Executive Director is Rev James Chung.


     Church Website: www.glcaconline.org 


     C&MA Website: https://cmalliance.org


     Midwest District Website: https://mwcma.org/


     Chinese Church Association: https://www.uscca.org/


  1. Church Demographics, Our church currently has around 130+ in members with more in adherents. Although Covid-19 has been challenging, God has not stopped working. We are a church reaching various ages from children and youth ministries, English (Abide Christian Fellowship) and Chinese college ministries (Purdue Chinese Christian Fellowship), to adult fellowships (Hope Fellowship) and senior ministries (Canaan Fellowship). We have weekly Wednesday night prayer gatherings, Friday night programs, Sunday Schools, and Sunday services in English and Chinese, along with other planned events.
  2. Staff, Currently on full-time staff Pastor Chuck Carter serves as the Next Generation/English pastor.
  3. Church Lay Leaders, Our current elder is Elder Michael Lin. Our current deacon board is Br. Fu Ping (Co-Chair, Missions), Br. Luo Zhaoqing (Worship), Sis. Weng Xiaochun (Financial), Sis. Helen Pai (Children's Ministries), Sis. Zeng Fazhi (Secretary), Br. Zhang Baozeng (Building Logistics), Br Qiu Xiaokang (Campus), and Br. Liu Chen (Treasurer). We also have a great team of adult ministry leaders, campus student ministry mentors, youth leaders, and children's ministry leaders.
  4. Bylaws, For your convenience, the GLCAC Bylaws are provided for your viewing. You will find our doctrinal statement within it at the first few pages.
  5. Building, In 2015 our church felt led by God to start building our own church building. Our first service in our new building took place in June of 2017. This process took our church through a lot of growth and in trusting in the Lord for provision. Prior to our building our church since 1965 has been meeting in various locations around West Lafayette. God truly answered our prayers in bringing us a church home.


  1. Extra resource:


     Building Fundraiser/ Church History Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVJeElS2G0&ab_channel=MediaGlcac


     Chinese New Year Alliance Article: https://legacy.cmalliance.org/news/2018/07/09/homesick-for-the-holiday/