親子樂: (English Space) A wake-up call 亮起警號

Editor/艾美 Illustrator/小志琴

本報看重讀者們的親子關係,藉著父母與孩子學習英語的時刻,增 加他們溝通的機會。使用這教材的方法如下:
(二)透過所閱讀的內容,引導孩子分享他們的看法和經歷,藉此 提升他們的品格及學習如何與人相處;
(三)鼓勵你的孩子完成下列的活動,並於2016年4月30日前寄回本 報,我們將寄上一份小禮物。

Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

「…..就是忘記背後,努力面前的,向著標竿直跑,要得神在基督耶穌裏從上 面召我來得的獎賞。」 腓立比書 3章13-14節
“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14


Meaning: Something that happens which reminds or warns you that you have to deal with a problem or situation more seriously.

I’m a Primary 5 student. I’ve always thought that I’ve been doing quite well in all my subjects except Chinese. I have a private tutor who helps me with Chinese every week.

Everything looked good until the formative assessment results were announced last week! I did pass the Chinese assessment, but only marginally. This is a wake-up call for me. I need to work a lot harder for this subject or I’ll fail in the final assessment two months from now!


Suggested Answers to the March issue:

1) New Zealand
2) Ottawa
3) joking
4) Examples are the Peak, Disneyland, Ocean Park and Repulse Bay.


(共育幼苖) 「唔緊要」
(English Space) A wake-up call 亮起警號
(3歲定80) 愛的計劃

