親子樂: (English Space) Over the Moon 開心到飛起



Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

「你們要愛惜光陰,用智慧與外人交往 。」《聖經‧歌羅西書》四章5節
‘Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.’ (Colossians 4:5 )


Meaning : Feeling very happy.

It’s a sunny day in June. The wind is blowing gently. The flowers blossom like heaven on earth. Everything looks so bright and beautiful. The birds are chirping loudly and the butterflies are shuttling busily about the flowers. Children are playing in the park, singing their favourite tunes.

It’s such a perfect day for everyone. You’ll be over the moon if you can share these happy moments with your loved ones.

Every day is a new day and every day is blessed!

Activities 活動

1) Can you find at least three adjectives in the text?
Example: sunny
2) What are the children doing in the park? And what do you usually do in
the park? 公園裡的小孩子在做什麼,而你通常又會在那裡做什麼呢?
3) Apart from birds and butterflies, what other living things can you find
in the park? 除了小鳥和蝴蝶,公園裡還有什麼生物呢?
4) Who are your loved ones that you would want to share your happy
moments with? 你又會想跟誰分享你最快樂的時光呢?


Answers to the May issue上期活動建議答案:

1) a) Contest   b) to be chosen  c) opportunity
2) Examples are countries like Australia and Germany, or cities like Paris and Vancouver.
3) Congratulations


(3歲定80) 用愛突破前行
(共育幼苖) 人之初
(English Space) Over the Moon 開心到飛起


