親子樂 : (English Space) A Red-letter Day 大日子




Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His
favor rests.” Luke 2:14


Meaning: A happy, special and important day that you will always remember.Victor can’t sit still for a minute at home. He’s too excited to wait for Amy to comehome from work. He has planned for a candlelight dinner(燭光晚餐) to mark theirnineteenth wedding anniversary(結婚周年紀念)!When Amy arrives home, she’s too surprised to see how well Victor has decorated(佈置) the house and prepared dinner. She’s so moved(感動)to find that Victorhas remembered and made efforts to celebrate(慶祝)their red-letter day!

Activities 活動

1) Please write the two words which make the compound word of ‘candlelight’.文中 “candlelight” 一字是由哪兩個英文字組合而成的?
c_ _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ _
2) Which of the following anniversary is the Herald Monthly Hong Kong celebratingthis year? 號角月報今年慶祝創刊多久?
a) 10th anniversary
b) 18th anniversary
c) 50th anniversary
3) 25th December is the day when the whole world will celebrate the birth ofsomeone. 每年十二月二十五日,全世界都會慶祝一個人的降生。
a) What is this date? 這是什麼節日?______________________
b) Who was born on this day 2014 years ago? 誰在2014年前降生?___________________
4) Do you have any red-letter day? What is it? 你的大日子又是什麼呢?

Tips 提示:

As an idiom, you may also call it “scarlet day”.
作為一個諺語, 你亦可以把它說成”scarlet day”。

性別: __________ 出生日期:_________________ 電話:______________________
地址:____________________________________________ 電郵:______________________
孩子完成活動後,請剪下本欄逕寄:《號角月報》ENGLISH SPACE,九龍旺角通菜街1A-1L 威達商業大廈8樓801室收

Answers to the October issue 上期活動答案

1) play
2 a) rehearse   b) perform
3 a) actors   b) actresses
4) Examples are: a prince, a princess or a witch


(English Space) A Red-letter Day 大日子
(3歲定80) 愛的現實
(共育幼苗) 他山之石


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