親子樂 : ( English Space ) A Couch Potato 大懶蟲



Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13




A Couch Potato 大懶蟲

Meaning : A lazy person who often sits on the couch watching TV.
Mum : Teddy, why are you still lying on your bed now? It’s ten o’clock already and
it’s just a few more days until Chinese New Year. Our relatives and friends
will come and visit us soon. Have you tidied your room yet ?
Teddy : Well, there are still a few more days until then, why bother to do it now!
Mum : The thing is, I’ve asked you to tidy your room since the beginning of the
month. Look what day it is today! And see what you are doing now, just
lying in bed playing computer games! You’re such a couch potato!
Teddy : No problem, Mum! Just let me finish this game first and I’ll tidy my room.

Activities 活動

1) What is another word for “couch”? 請寫下與文中 “couch” 一字相同意思的英文字。
s _ _ _
2) Can you think of another way of saying “Chinese New Year”?
你可想到 “Chinese New Year” 的另一個英文說法嗎?
L _ n _ _ New Year
3a) When is Chinese New Year this year? 何時是今年的農曆年初一?_______
b) It’s the Year of the _______ this year. 今年的農曆年生肖是甚麼動物?
4) Apart from tidying the house, can you think of two more things that people
would do in Chinese New Year?
除了在家中 “大掃除”,人們在農曆新年還會做些甚麼呢?
a) ____________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________

Tips 提示:

As an idiom, you have to use “potato” and must not use other words such as “fat pork” or
“lazy pig” to describe.
作為一個諺語,你只可以用 “potato”,切勿用其他東西如 “fat pork” 或 “lazy pig”!

性別: __________ 出生日期:_________________ 電話:______________________
地址:____________________________________________ 電郵:______________________
孩子完成活動後,請剪下本欄逕寄:《號角月報》ENGLISH SPACE,九龍旺角通菜街1A-1L 威達商業大廈8樓801室收


3) How long is a marathon? 而非 How many kilometers is in a marathon?
4) How long is a half marathon? 而非How many kilometers is in a half-marathon?

Answers to the December issue 上期活動答案

1) fat, chubby , obese
2) overweight
3) c
4) b
5) Any food names. Examples are eggs,
fried rice, onion soup etc.


( English Space ) A Couch Potato 大懶蟲
( 3歲定80 ) 家長「求」之不得
( 共育幼苗 ) 芬芳滿屋


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