By 號角廣告部 on 2023年10月30日
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德頓華人基督教會(DCCC)是一個福音型教會,成立於1983年,用中英雙語服務於大德頓地區的華人社區。教會位於600 Patterson Rd, Dayton, OH 45419。教會大約有130個華語會眾參加中文崇拜,20-40個成人和青少年參加英文崇拜,有14個團契小組。

教會網址 有更具體的資訊。德頓教會擬尋求一位全職中英文雙語牧師,希望具備明確的呼召,有較好的語言交流能力,並具有以下條件的傳道人或牧師與我們聯繫。

  • 語言技能:中文講道並具有流利的英文交流能力,能用中英文雙語講道者優先。
  • 學歷:要求有神學學位,若有神學碩士或博士學位則優先。
  • 牧會經歷:有牧會經歷,有在北美牧會經驗者則優先。神學院新畢業者也會考慮。
  • 屬靈恩賜:講道,教導,領導力。


  • 講道和教導方面:中文講道,協調英文崇拜和事工,並從事教導和事工培訓。

  • 領導力:領導教會的發展方向,訓練門徒,指導和培養教會事工骨幹和領袖。

  • 關懷事工:關心和帶領中文和英文會眾,從事關懷探訪。

  • 福音事工:支持教會的福音事工,並向當地社區傳福音。

  • 管家: 作牧師辦公室的好管家。


Dayton Chinese Christian Church (DCCC) is an evangelical church. It was established in 1983 as a bilingual (Chinese/English) church serving the Chinese community in the greater Dayton area. It is located at 600 Patterson Rd, Dayton, OH 45419. The DCCC congregation consists of about 130 Mandarin-speaking adults attending Chinese service, and 20-40 English-speaking adults and youths who attend English service, together with14 fellowship groups. For more details about DCCC, visit our website at . DCCC is seeking a full-time bilingual pastor, who has a clear calling and good communication skill with the following qualifications.

Language Skills: Mandarin preaching; fluent English in communication. Bilingual preaching preferred.

Education:  Seminary degree, graduate level preferred.

Experience: Pastoral ministry experience, North American pastoral experience preferred. New seminary graduates will also be considered.

Spiritual Gifts: Preaching, teaching and leadership.

The responsibilities of the calling pastor include:

Preaching and Teaching: Preach in Mandarin service, coordinate English ministry, and conduct teaching and ministry training.

Leadership: Provide leadership and direction for the church, disciple and mentor ministry leaders.

Care Ministry: Care and shepherd to Chinese and English congregations and conduct visitation.

Mission: Support the church mission efforts, and evangelize local community.

Steward: A steward of the pastoral office.

To apply, please email your resume and testimony to

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