By 號角廣告部 on 2024年3月21日
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奧城華人浸信會(Oklahoma City Chinese Baptist Church,簡稱OKCCBC)從今年(2024)一月開始邁進第四十一年。 感謝主, 教會從借用母會場地開始聚會,到購地和建堂, 一路經歷了神的保守與帶領。 目前梁牧師因為回應聖靈的呼召、重回宣教的服侍, 因此我們教會正尋求 神所差派的新牧者。

除了全職的主任牧師, 教會還有兼職的青少年輔導和行政助理。教會的成員過半數來自中國,教會會員年齡層分佈在三十多歲到八十多歲 , 其中以壯年居多。 大多數會員都住在離教會方圓十裏之內。


Oklahoma City Chinese Baptist Church (OKCCBC) Church Profile

OKCCBC has just celebrated its 41st Anniversary in January of 2024. Praise the Lord! From meeting at our mother church to buying land to completing the church building, God’s providence and leading is evident every step of the way. Because our last pastor was led by the Holy Spirit to return to the mission field, we are seeking our next shepherd with God’s guidance.

Besides a full-time Senior Pastor, our church staff also includes a part-time youth minister and a part-time Administrative Assistant.  Majority of our members came from Mainland China; adult members’ age range fall between 30s and 80s. Most members reside within a 10-mile radius of our church.

Church offering is stable and sufficient. Currently, our Sunday worship total attendance is around 70-90. We regularly support two missionaries and participate yearly in the North America Southern Baptist Convention Home and International Missions Offerings.


  1. 浸信會信仰
  2. 有講道與教導的恩賜
  3. 重視宣教、關懷、探訪以及家庭事工、門徒培訓
  4. 神學院畢業,且有兩年教會全職事奉的經驗為佳
  5. 能使用國語(普通話)講道,並具有良好英語溝通能力。


  1. 個人簡歷
  2. 信主和蒙召(為全職牧者)的個人見證
  3. 三位推薦人聯絡資訊 (請提供推薦人的頭銜、電話、電郵住址等;以神學院教授、教會牧者和長執為佳)
  4. 講台證道的錄音和/或錄影電子檔鏈結
  5. 其他有助了解應徵牧者的輔助材料

Oklahoma City Chinese Baptist Church (OKCCBC) is searching for a full-time Senior Pastor. Based on the results of our members’ survey, church history and growth projection, the qualities of the pastor we are seeking can be summarized into the following categories:

  1. Identify with Baptist Faith
  2. Gifted in preaching and teaching
  3. Have a heart for evangelism, caring/visitation, family ministry and discipleship training
  4. Seminary graduate preferably with at least two years of full-time ministry experience
  5. The abilities to preach fluently in Mandarin Chinese and communicate in English with no hindrance.

Interested ministers please send the following information either in mail or email before June 30th, 2024 to the Chairman of Pastoral Search Committee:

  1. Resume
  2. Testimonies of becoming a born-again Christian and being called to the ministry
  3. Contact information of three (3) references including their titles, phone numbers and email addresses. Past seminary professors, church pastors and church elders/deacons preferred
  4. Recordings/videos or links to such of recent sermons
  5. Any other information that would help us to know you better.
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