By David Tang on 2024年5月8日
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達城基督徒中國教會(DCBC)是一個不隸屬任何宗派的華人傳統教會,創始於1968年。我們是一個多語言、多文化和多代人的教會,有三個主要語言事工:粵語、國語和英語。目前,我們的主日崇拜成人出席人數約為 650 人,分佈在三個不同語言的崇拜。我們有一個教牧團隊來牧飬、治理、教導並勸勉各個事工,我們正在物色一位粵語事工的牧師。目前,粵語崇拜平均有100人參加。
Dallas Chinese Bible Church (DCBC) is a non-denominational Chinese heritage church that began in 1968. We are a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and multi-generational church with 3 major language ministries: Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. Currently our Sunday worship adult attendance is about 650 across three worship services. We have a pastoral staff team overseeing the various ministries, and we are looking for a pastor for the Cantonese language ministry. Currently the Cantonese worship service has an average of 100 attendees.
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