号角月报编辑部 于 2013年6月4日
类别: 澳洲

社區資訊: 我身體不舒服 I’m Not Feeling Well

病人: 醫生,你好。
Patient: Hi, Doctor.

醫生: 你好,請坐。你今天感覺怎麼樣?
Doctor: Hi. Please have a seat. How are you feeling today?

病人: 我有點不太舒服。可能是流感或是什麼,但我不清楚。
Patient: I am not feeling very well. Could be flu or something but I’m not sure.

醫生: 讓我看看。有沒有頭痛?
Doctor: Let me have a look. Do you have headache?

病人: 有。
Patient: Yes.

醫生: 有喉痛嗎?
Doctor: Do you have a sore throat?

病人: 有哦。我沒有咳嗽,但我的喉嚨很痛,而且我有一點頭暈。
Patient: Yes, I’m not coughing, but my throat hurts. I feel a little dizzy too.

醫生: 張開嘴巴,啊……
Doctor: Open your mouth, Ahh……

病人: 啊……
Patient: Ahh……

醫生: 你的喉嚨很紅。腸胃有不舒服嗎?
Doctor: Your throat is very red. Does your stomach hurt?

病人: 我有些作嘔的感覺。
Patient: I feel a little nauseous.

醫生: 看來你患了流感。很多人現在都生病了,你要臥床休息,要多喝水。你對什麼
Doctor: It looks like you could have the flu. Many people are sick now. You need to stay in bed and plenty of water. Are you allergic to any medication?

病人: 沒有。
Patient: No.

醫生: 讓我給你一些阿斯匹靈。
Doctor: I’ll give you some aspirin.

病人: 我還可以上班嗎?
Patient: Can I still go to work?

醫生: 不要上班。你要留在家裡休息。幾天後應該會復原的。
Doctor: No. You’ll have to stay home and sleep. You should be better in a few days.

文/Mary Law