美味人生: (ABC生活英語) 在機場取行李 At the Baggage Claim


M:Mary(瑪莉) J:John(約翰) C:Clerk(職員)

(Mary and John are looking at the baggage carousels to see if their luggage has arrived.瑪莉和約翰正盯著傳送帶,看行李到 了沒有。)

Mary I’ve attached a yellow ribbon to each of our luggages so it’s easier to recognize.
我在每一件行李上都綁著一條黃 色絲帶,所以應該很容易認。 John Sweetie, that’s great! 親愛的,太好了!

(Mary and John have collected three pieces but one piece is missing.瑪莉和約翰取回三件行李,但有一件 行李不見了。)

John We need to go to the customer service counter to claim our lost luggage. Do you have the luggage check receipt?
我們去旅客服務處的櫃台申報遺 失吧,你手上有沒有留著行李收 據呢?

Mary Yes, I do. I keep all the receipts with me just in case……
有啊,所有的行李收據我都會留 著,以備不時之需。

John Good. Let’s go to report the missing luggage.

Clerk Good morning, Sir, How can I help you?
早安先生,有什麼可以幫到您 的?

John We miss one luggage piece. It’s a navy Samson’s with a yellow ribbon attached.
我們遺失了一件行李,是Samson 牌子深藍色的行李箱,上面綁了 一條黃色絲帶。

Clerk Okay, let me have your flight information, your home address and contact number so that we can start from here.
好的,請給我您的班機號嗎、地 址和聯絡電話,我們會儘快幫您 尋找的。

John Thank you. Do we have to pay for shipping the luggage?
謝謝!我們需要付擔行李運送費 用嗎?

Clerk Oh, no, not at all. There’s no cost to you. Once we locate the missing luggage, we will have it delivered at your door. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused. Have a very nice day and thank you for choosing our company.
不用的,您一點都不用付費。我 們一旦找到了行李,就會立刻送 到您府上,很抱歉帶給您不方 便。祝您有愉快的一天,謝謝您 選擇本公司的服務。


(ABC生活英語) 在機場取行李 At the Baggage Claim
(食出滋味) 涼拌海鮮豆腐
(講飲講食) 美食雖好吃 卡路里嚇人
(餐館生涯) 女大夫

