親子樂 : ( English Space ) Hands are Tied 綁手綁腳



Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. 1 Timothy4:15
這些事你要殷勤去做,並要在這些事上專心,讓眾人看出你的長進來。《提摩太前書》 4:15


Hands are Tied 綁手綁腳

Meaning : Not being able to do something that you would want to do
Marie: Good afternoon, Eddy. How are you? How’s your new job?
Eddy: Good afternoon, Marie. Thanks for asking. Well, I’m quite upset these days
in fact. My boss is a very conservative person. She doesn’t like new ideas.
For example, she just shot down my marketing proposal last week.
Marie: Oh! I’m sorry to hear that!
Eddy: I joined this company because I wanted to do new and challenging projects.
But my hands are tied now!
Marie: Oh, what a shame! I don’t know, but perhaps it might help if you talk to your
boss about your proposal in more detail. She might change her mind.
Who knows?

Activities 活動

1) Do you know other words which have a similar meaning to “upset ” ?
請寫下與文中 “upset” 一字相同意思的英文字。
s _ _ , un_ _ _ _y
2) What is the verb form of the word “proposal” here?
文中 “proposal” 一字的動詞是什。
To pro_ _ _ _
3) Can you write a challenging thing that you did recently?
Challenge question 挑戰題
4) Which of the following is the opposite word of “conservative” here?
以下哪一個是文中 “conservative” 一字的反義詞?
a) traditional __ b) conventional __
c) adventurous __ d) reserved __

Tips 提示:

As an idiom, you may only have your “hands” tied but not any ohter body parts.
作為諺語 ,只有你的“hands”可以被綁著 , 而不是其他身體部分。

性別: __________ 出生日期:_________________ 電話:______________________
地址:____________________________________________ 電郵:______________________
孩子完成活動後,請剪下本欄逕寄:《號角月報》ENGLISH SPACE收

Answers to the December issue 上期活動答案

1) sofa
2) Lunar New Year
3) a) 19th February
4) b) “Year of the Goat”, “Year of the Lamb”
or “Year of the Ram”


( English Space ) Hands are Tied 綁手綁腳
( 3歲定80 ) 復活蛋與耶穌的復活
( 共育幼苗 ) 身影背後


專題 • 耳聽八方 營商有道 • 天倫樂  • 親子樂 兒童天地 •生命線  • 智慧之窗 • 健康寶庫 • 世界遊蹤免費活動消息 • 香港角聲與你 • 勵志影視 • 繽紛世界 • 基督教服務 • 愛心匯點 • 生命的旋律