親子樂: (English Space) “Show your true colours” 露出真面目!

Editor◇艾美 Illustrator◇小志琴

Editor◇艾美 Illustrator◇小志琴

Bible verse of the Month 本月金句

“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.” (1 Peter 1:22)

Meaning: to show the real side of a person’s character.

Sam: Melody is our new manager. She’s not only young, but charming, too.  And she’s really nice to us. On her first day she bought us very expensive cakes for afternoon tea. We all have a very good impression of her.
Peter: So, every word about this Melody from you is good. But I know something else about her.   I’ve heard that, in her previous company, she had fired many staff members who had disagreed with her. So, do watch out! It doesn’t take long to show her true colours!

Activities 活動

1) “Young” and “charming” are adjectives to describe a person in a positive way. Can you think of two more?
文中的”young” 和”charming” 是用於人的兩個正面的形容詞。

2) What are the other word forms of the word “impression” in the text?
文中”impression” 一詞的其他字態是甚麼?
imp_ _ _ _ _ ve imp_ _ _ _ ed
Verb動詞: to imp_ _ _ _
3) What is the meaning of the word “fire” in the text?
文中”fire” 一字的意思是甚麼?
a) shoot b) set fire c) sack d) play

4) What is the American way to spell the word “colour”?
“Colour” 一字的美式串法是甚麼?
C_ _ _ r

Answers to January issue:

1) four
2) examples are long jump and javelin
3) vigorous
4) c) contest