親子樂: (English Space) Skating on thin ice 如履薄冰


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your ow nunderstanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)


Meaning: to do something that is dangerous or risky

Mum: Justin, what movie are you watching on TV? You’ve been watching it since you came home from school today.

Justin: It’s a movie about dinosaurs. There’s a scene about a fierce dinosaur eating a man. Pretty scary!

Mum: Oh I see! But I remember you’re having a Maths test tomorrow? Have you revised for it?

Justin: Don’t worry, Mum! I think there will be lots of questions on algebra this time. You know I’m good at them.

Mum: Well, you’re skating on thin ice, Justin! I think you’d better spend some time revising for your test before you take it tomorrow.

Justin: Okay, Mum!

Activities 活動

1) Can you think of the name of a movie about dinosaurs? 你可以寫下一套有關恐龍的電影名稱嗎?

2a) What subjects of tests do you have to take at school? 你在學校裡需要應付甚麼科目的測驗呢?

2b) Which is your best subject? 你成績最好的科目是甚麼?

3) The idiom here is “Skating on thin ice”. What is the name of this sport? 這個諺語是”Skating on thin ice”,其實所提及的是甚麼運動呢?

4) How much time do you usually spend on preparing for an examination? 你通常要花多少時間預備考試呢?

Suggested Answers to the November Issue:

1) to hike
Mo Shan
2b) Sunset Peak
3) Examples are: China, India, South Korea and Malaysia
4) 富士山


(共育幼苖) 人形積木
(3歲定80) 你用什麼「 愛」 來愛孩子?
(English Space) Skating on thin ice 如履薄冰

